I’m still not great at this but I’m getting a lot better…
Stop the insanity of checking email first thing everyday. Yes, email is great. Yes, email helps us. However, the people getting the most done are not checking email first thing in the morning, nor are they checking email throughout the day.
You’ve heard this dozens of times, so why are you still choosing to be one of the unproductive ones?
Instead of watching the clock, watch the results. Some of the most productive people work less hours, but their work is by far more focused.
I used to make jokes about bankers’ hours only to see how it punished those who got into the office early, worked hard, and left at a normal hour to play sports. I had it backwards.
Many of those being praised for staying late actually showed up three hours later, worked less focused, stayed late, got less done, and inspired nobody because they had no balance in their lives.
Hide the clock on your screen and phone. Put the stupid ticking clock on the wall in the broom closet. And for one week, I challenge you to check email twice a day. TWICE. A. DAY. Email me at the end of the week to let me know how productive you were. Do it.
cameron at backpocketcoo dot com
pic Inside SoCal