Archives for November 2020

The Format of a Productive Huddle

Stand-up meetings, also known as huddles, are an important part of being a team, but it’s not something that people often think about. Because of this, people don’t often think about how to make them better or more productive. Some people don’t even bother to have them.

Implementing team huddles along with these tips will change your company.

Everyone I’ve taught about having productive huddles has benefited greatly from better internal communication and company morale.

If nothing else, huddles truly unite the team. So here is the format of a productive huddle:

Good News

In the first couple of minutes, encourage everyone to share the good news. Furthermore, they can speak praise about other business areas, work with customers, their fellow employees, and so forth.

“Positive information benefits us emotionally, physically, and mentally. It can contribute in a meaningful way to a happier and healthier life.” – Tal Ben-Shahar on Medium

Everyone is so quick to share bad news, but they don’t often share the good stuff. There is enough bad stuff out there. People need to be encouraged to do so because good news is vital. It lifts people up and brings them together in their shared accomplishments.


Next, it’s very beneficial to your huddle to review and post the key metrics from your sales funnel so that everyone has a window into the key numbers for the business. Sharing this information with people shows a sense of trust and transparency that your employees need to see.

“Being open and honest is always in everyone’s best interest. Openness creates a sense of loyalty and makes your business stand out as one that employees want to work at.” – Cameron Herold

If huddles are an important part of being a team, transparency is vital to make that true.

What Does it All Mean?

Following your review of numbers, during your huddle, you want to do a daily forecast on the monthly and yearly revenue versus budget.

“Communicate to your employees the relationship between the current finances and the company’s future success.” – Inc

For me, it was super beneficial to show my team how we were doing on a daily basis versus waiting until the end of the month to add it all up. Seeing what’s happening in real-time makes the work everyone is doing feel more real and meaningful which, of course, fosters productivity.

Department Update

Make sure to make room for department updates in your huddles. This is a glimpse into each business area. It’s also a way to systematically ensure that business areas are always focused on their quarterly top three projects.

“The daily huddle can save everyone an hour or so of needless email updates and ad hoc interruptions.” – Growth Institute

Missing Systems/Frustrations

Everyone should feel free to share missing systems of frustrations in the huddle as long as you ensure it is a no-blame environment. Welcoming people to share, even if the things are negative, helps people feel heard and worthy.

After each frustration, have someone take ownership of the problem and make sure it gets fixed. No debate or discussion should happen at the huddle. That wastes far too much time. When issues are raised and someone finds a concrete solution to solve them, the huddle and the entire workplace will be more productive.


No matter how strange or embarrassing it seems at first, make sure everyone cheers at the end of the huddle. This will feel awkward at first, but everyone will grow to love it.

The power of a good cheer will get people pumped to take on the workday. It works at sporting events, doesn’t it? Try it and you’ll see your staff leave the huddle pumped and on a much more positive note. Huddles are a good thing, so make sure it feels like it!

Huddles are so useful in fostering a positive, hard-working, and productive work environment. Try implementing them, trust me, you won’t regret it.

If you have questions or would like more information, I’d be happy to help. Please send an email, and my team will get in touch with you!

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in August 2010 and has been edited for accuracy and comprehensiveness. 

To-Do List Strategies

To-do lists can be very useful to drive yourself to get things done if you’re using them right. As a COO it’s important to stay on task and get everything done. You don’t want to lose track of anything, so you probably have a to-do list sitting on your desk.

The idea of writing a to-do list seems simple, right? You just write whatever you need to get done down on paper and you’re good. Not if you want to actually get it all done.

Here are some strategies for making to-do lists that you’ll actually get through because, as a COO, you need to.

Don’t Keep Adding

Don’t get stuck in a constant cycle of adding stuff to your list, causing it to grow longer and longer until it’s too daunting to ever complete. If anything, start crossing stuff off that doesn’t need to get done yet.

“Here’s a terrifying (but strangely comforting) fact: A whopping 89% of people don’t regularly finish their daily to-do lists.” – The Muse

A COO needs to know how to prioritize. If it won’t have an impact on sales going up, profits going up, or costs going down—stop doing it. It doesn’t need to be on that list.

The Top Five

Instead of constantly adding things to an increasingly long list, each morning or night before, sit down and write the top five things you need to get done that day.

“If your to-do list is going to help you focus on your most important work, you’ll need to decide now what your most important work is.” – Huffpost

Once you’ve done that, start working on number one until it’s done. Then move on to number two and so forth. As a COO, if you can be diligent and stay focused using this age-old method, you and your team will grow during an upswing or downturn in the economy

The Downfall of Long Lists

Long lists look intimidating and therefore decrease your drive to get everything on that list done because when it’s long, it seems far more impossible. What’s the point in even trying when you know you’ll never complete that list? That’s why you need small, but achievable lists, like the aforementioned top five.

“We waste time on menial chores and tasks just to have a sense of accomplishment. Over time, this makes us much less effective at our job. Truly successful people find a way to outsource many of these less strategic tasks.” – Forbes

The shorter the list, the easier it is to trick your brain into thinking it’ll be easy to get it done. Maybe they’re not easy, but when your to-do list seems easy and straightforward, it actually does help to increase productivity and get things done far more quickly and easily than if it was in a list of tasks a page or two long.

The 80/20 Rule

We all know and accept that eighty percent of the results come from twenty percent of the work. I like to use that as a way to focus on myself. For example, if you only had two hours a day to get work done, what would you want to get done right away? Do you know what that activity might be? Okay, do that, and that alone. Your to-do list doesn’t have to belong if you can get a large chunk of the work done in one task.

“Just being confident about what needs to get done does increase the chances of it actually getting done.” – Cameron Herold

Imagine if for eight hours a day you just worked on those crucial tasks versus focusing on the numerous other items that spring from out of nowhere each day. Adding those little tasks to your to-do list detracts from the tasks that’ll actually get eighty percent of the work done.

COOs need to know how to prioritize and a strategic to-do list helps with that immensely. Most importantly of all, that to-do list shouldn’t belong. Short and sweet is what gets the work done.

If you have questions or would like more information, I’d be happy to help. Please send an email, and my team will get in touch with you!

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in August 2010 and has been edited for accuracy and comprehensiveness. 

Using Branded Vehicles to Boost Your Business

Parking branded vehicles at high traffic locations, or as I like to call it—parketing—has been around forever yet many companies still don’t leverage its power.

Branded vehicles can be a useful tool to boost your business. Here are some tips on how to use them effectively.

It’s Not Going to Disappear Anytime Soon

Driving is one thing you can pretty much count on being around for as long as we’re all around. Therefore, the ability to get your business noticed by parking your branded vehicle strategically is not going away anytime soon either.

“With the advent of self-driving technology, the advantage of car brand decals and mobile advertising will only increase. Cars will essentially become mobile devices like smartphones and business tablets.” – Personal Branding Blog

It’s something that’s been done for years and continues to happen without decline. People are walking, driving, or biking down the streets all day every day. It’s no wonder branded vehicles are still a useful tool to advertising your business.

It Doesn’t Have to be Super Expensive

My dad used to have his company logos and lists of the products he sold on our family car—it served as a rolling billboard. As long as it has strong branding that makes it obvious as to who your business is and what it does.

“As markets become increasingly oversaturated, strong branding is the best chance that companies have to set themselves apart.” – Cameron Herold

Then it was my turn. With College Pro Painters, many of us painted our old, used vehicles in a bright yellow color—the perfect canvas for our huge red and white company logos. These “big bird” vans, as they were lovingly called, attracted attention and got us, clients.

Find the Best Parking Spots

My dad also parked his car strategically. No matter where we went, he found the spot that would garner the most views from passing pedestrians and drivers.

“The people that see the most return on their branded vehicles run businesses catering to local audiences in certain neighborhoods.” – Grasshopper

Some franchises even “barter” with gas stations for the perfect parking spot to display their vehicle. College Pro Painters would buy gas from the proprietor all day long. In return, we’d get to park our vans in the stations overnight. The arrangement benefited everyone involved and put College Pro Painters front and center at all times of the day.

Take Advantage of Ideal Streets

The last time I checked, your prospects aren’t just strolling around a parking lot while you hope they stumble across your branded vehicle. They are driving down the streets in the areas near their homes and offices.

“Driving to work, we always see the same advertisements on the same billboard and don’t think twice about it. But instead with a branded vehicle, you can showcase your brand to new customers each day as you take the same path to work. A new set of eyes increases the probability of customer and brand awareness for that matter.” – Geek Design

Where are your company cars and trucks parked tonight? Simply parking strategically is one way that’s sure to get you free PR.

If you have questions or would like more information, I’d be happy to help. Please send an email, and my team will get in touch with you!

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in May 2010 and has been edited for accuracy and comprehensiveness. 

The Power of Branded Clothing and Merchandise

A powerful brand image is essential to any company. People won’t think to use your product or service if they don’t know your brand. Wearing your brand’s logo can do a lot for your company for a variety of reasons. Here’s why you want to do it!

The Power of Standing Out

Since everyone has to wear clothes, why not put them to work marketing your product or service? It’s an easy win for your company, and in some instances such as networking events and conferences corporate clothing will help you stand out in a sea of suits.

“The ‘rule of 7’ in marketing suggests that consumers must encounter 7 touchpoints with your brand before being persuaded to buy. Branded clothing is a great way to consistently put your message in front of your target audience.” – AB Print Group LTD

At conferences of up to 2000 people, there would be four of us in 1-800-GOT-JUNK? fleeces with huge logos on our backs. People thought there were at least twenty of us walking around because they saw our logos so often in the middle of all those suits.

The Power of Recognition

Every time I wear branded clothing, someone comments and asks me about my company. Even as far back as College Pro Painters, our painters wore shirts emblazoned with our logo so that while they were up on ladders people would see our brand.

“84% of consumers claim that promotional material boosts their own awareness about a certain brand.” – Norms Conference

Branded clothing also proves helpful when recruiting for new employees. One summer, I had my painters wear their painting shirts with huge logos on them to the university pub. I bribed them with free beer to do it. Needless to say, it helped me find new painters every time.

The Power of Perfect Placement

While building 1-800-GOT-JUNK?, I would place my branded jacket on the outside of chairs so that it would be seen while I was sitting down. On planes, I’d fold it in such a way that the logo stood out even when placed in overhead bins. I was relentlessly getting my name out to prospects.

“If you have well-designed branded apparel with an interesting logo or witty slogan, people will approach you about your company instead of you pitching to them. The more people see your name, the wider your impact and the more conversations about your company you can start.” – Kaye Smith

Not only is it useful to place your branded merchandise in visible places, but it also matters where that logo is placed on the merchandise itself. Massive logos on the back of a shirt work well for the employees of that company to wear at work, but if you’re doing the same for customer merchandise, it’s a lot less likely they’re going to wear clothing with such an imposing logo. Think about who the clothing is for and when you’d ideally want those people to wear it before designing the merchandise.

The Power of Variety

I put 1-800-GOT-JUNK?’s logo on everything. I even made license plates with the company’s name on it (as well as for another company I built).

“The most popular promotional products in terms of favorites listed by those who were surveyed were USB drives, pens, an electrical item, or a mug. […] When it comes to how long a promotional product is kept, mugs were reported to be kept longer than any other promotional item.” – Brandwatch

Having a variety of branded clothing and merchandise increasing the chance of more people sharing your brand with the world. Women are less likely to wear the men’s polo shirt you’ve made, while some people might prefer their regular clothes and would rather go for a mug instead. Having options means there is something for everyone. If people actually like the branded clothing they have, they’re far more likely to wear it.

Branded merchandise can be a powerful advertising tool for your company if you know what you’re doing. Make sure your logo is strong and your brand is clear!

If you have questions or would like more information, I’d be happy to help. Please send an email, and my team will get in touch with you!

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in April 2010 and has been edited for accuracy and comprehensiveness. 


Meetings Suck: Turning One Of The Most Loathed Elements Of Business Into One Of The Most Valuable

We all know that meetings suck, right?

You hear it all the time. It’s the one thing that almost everyone in business can agree on.

Except it’s not actually true… 

Meetings don’t suck.

We just suck at running meetings.   

When done right, meetings not only work, they make people and companies better.

In Meetings Suck, world renowned business expert and growth guru Cameron Herold teaches you how to use focused, time effective meetings to help you and your company soar.

This book shows you immediately actionable, step-by-step systems that ensure that you and everyone in your organization improves your meetings, right away.

In the process, you’ll turn meetings that suck into meetings that work. 

In life, we always hear about people who’ve made huge decisions from their gut – without data.Today, I want you to make a decision, not only from your gut, but also from some data.  A decision that is only $12 per employee but will be priceless for your business.

Right now, your gut is telling you something is wrong with your company’s meetings.  You KNOW everyone complains about meetings.

People HATE going to them, they HATE running them, and they really have NO idea which meetings are truly necessary but they hold meetings simply because they think that is what they SHOULD do.

Even some of the smartest CEOs in the world complain about meetings – Elon Musk publicly told employees at Tesla & SpaceX to walk out of meetings if they weren’t being run properly.

I sent Elon a message saying that wasn’t going to fix anything – the key is to fix the root of the problem – NOT continue to ignore why meetings suck.

A Meeting is – Any phone call, video call or occasion where 2 or more people meet to discuss or work-through office topics.

Most employees on average spend 1-2 hours per day in meetings.

And likely, none of those employees – front-line staff or leaders – have had any training on how to attend meetings or participate in them, LET ALONE How to RUN THEM.

Consider this…

If the Average employee spends just 1 Hour per day in meetings – that’s 1/8th of their time.

If the Average employee earns $50,000 per year.

And they’re spending 1/8th of their time in meetings, that means you’re paying $6,250 dollars per year for just ONE employee to attend meetings.

The reality is, employees spend 1/8th of their time – and 1/8th of your company’s payroll – doing something they have literally NO idea how to do.

The Reality is…

95% of employees are booking & leading meetings – and they have NEVER been trained on how to run them.

95% of employees have had NO training on how to show up and participate in the meetings they attend daily.

And 95% of employees and companies have no idea what meetings are even necessary to hold.

Meetings CAN be hugely effective – IF you know how to run them

Meetings don’t SUCK, we just SUCK at running meetings. 

Investing $15 per employee – to help ensure the $50,000 a year you spend on them is an obvious and easy choice.

This could be the most impactful $15 you’ll ever spend and will save the company’s money, time and resources instantly.

Buying a copy of Meetings Suck for 100% of your employees and having them read it this month will have a huge impact on your company’s success.


Free PR: How To Get Chased By The Press Without Hiring A PR Firm

Public relations has always been an essential part of doing business which is probably why you’re shelling out big money to an outside PR firm. But the truth is that you don’t need them. You already have all the necessary tools in-house to do as good a job as the so-called experts. 

Cameron Herold and Adrian Salamunovic have taught thousands of company execs how to exploit free media coverage and ditch these expensive, often ineffective outsiders. 

Cameron & Adrian have also built in-house PR teams, spent decades learning how to generate Free PR and how to leverage public relations to complement their sales and marketing strategy. 

In Free PR, you’ll learn how the media world operates while you gain invaluable insider knowledge and actionable advice on how to: 

  • Build your own in-house PR team
  • Provide effective interviews
  • Score great media coverage for free with just a few easy steps 

Landing public relations coverage for yourself and your company is a powerful tool to help elevate your personal brand. PR is easier to generate than marketing, PR is easier to leverage than marketing and PR is more cost effective than marketing. In other words, Public Relations is more critical than ever in growing your brand and your business. 

You’ve got more passion, commitment, a larger stake, and a deeper understanding of your business than any outside PR firm could ever have. So stop wasting money and take the reins yourself.  Learn the secrets to landing TONS of Free PR for your company.

What they’re saying:

“I think PR is the core for promoting any business. Public relations acquires customers! That’s what’s cool about this book.”

– Kevin O’Leary,  Shark on ABC’s Shark Tank

“The ultimate guidebook for those looking to get press, grow their brand, and get in front of the masses. Free PR is the roadmap you’ve been looking for.”

– Peter Shankman, Founder, Help a Reporter Out (HARO)

“Adrian and Cameron will show you the secrets of getting massive exposure for your business. This book is packed with actionable insights from two guys that actually know how to to do it.”

– Dan Martell,  Serial Entrepreneur & Investor (, Unbounce)

“I told Cameron to write the book on generating free PR. I’m excited to see that he’s finally sharing his secrets with the world. This is a must read for any entrepreneurial company and marketing team.”

– Verne Harnish, Founder of Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO) and author of Scaling Up (Rockefeller Habits 2.0)


Vivid Vision: A Remarkable Tool For Aligning Your Business Around a Shared Vision of the Future

Many corporations have slick, flashy mission statements that ultimately do little to motivate employees and less to impress customers, investors, and partners. 

But there is a way to share your excitement for the future of your company in a clear, compelling, and powerful way and entrepreneur and business growth expert Cameron Herold can show you how. 

Vivid Vision is a revolutionary tool that will help owners, CEOs, and senior managers create inspirational, detailed, and actionable three-year mission statements for their companies. In this easy-to-follow guide, Herold walks organization leaders through the simple steps to creating their own Vivid Vision, from brainstorming to sharing the ideas to using the document to drive progress in the years to come. 

By focusing on mapping out how you see your company looking and feeling in every category of business, without getting bogged down by data and numbers or how it will happen, Vivid Vision creates a holistic road map to success that will get all of your teammates passionate about the big picture. 

Your company is your dream, one that you want to share with your staff, clients, and stakeholders. Vivid Vision is the tool you need to make that dream a reality.


The Miracle Morning for
Entrepreneurs: Elevate Your SELF to
Elevate Your BUSINESS


A step-by-step guide to enjoying the roller-coaster ride of growth — while getting the most out of life as an entrepreneur. A growth-focused approach: The book is divided into three sections, which cover planning for fast growth, building a company for fast growth, and leading for fast growth. Each topic the author covers — from creating a vision for the company’s future to learning how to generate free PR for a developing company — is squarely focused on the end goal: doubling the size of the entrepreneur’s company in three years or less. A down-to-earth action plan: Herold’s experienced-based advice never gets bogged down in generalities or theory. Instead, he offers a wealth of practical tips, including: How to design meetings for maximum efficiency; How to hire top-quality talent; How to grow in particularly tough markets; How to put together a board of advisors — even for a smaller company; How even the busy entrepreneur can achieve a work/life balance.


Hal Elrod’sThe Miracle Morning has helped redefine the mornings and the lives of millions of readers since 2012. Since then, careers have been launched, goals have been met, and dreams have been realized, all through the power of the Miracle Morning’s six Life S.A.V.E.R.S.


Now The Miracle Morning for Entrepreneurs brings you these principles in a whole new light—alongside the Entrepreneurial Elevation Principles and the Entrepreneur’s Elevation Skills. These are essential skills that you need to create a successful business and personal life. Cameron Herold— Bestselling Author and a widely-respected expert on entrepreneurial mindset—brings his wisdom and insight to you using Hal Elrod’s powerful Miracle Morning framework.


The principles and skills you’ll find in this book will help you to channel your passion and achieve balance in a remarkable new way. – Learn why mornings matter more than you think – Learn how to master your own self-leadership and accelerate your personal development – Learn how to manage your energy—physical, mental, and emotional – Learn how to implement Hal Elrod’s invaluable Life S.A.V.E.R.S. in your daily routine – And much more… You’re already an entrepreneur. Now discover how to take your success to the next level by first taking yourself to the next level. The Miracle Morning for Entrepreneurs is your roadmap to masterfully building an empire with a powerful vision, utilizing your areas of personal genius, with the right team at your side.

Start giving your business and your life the very best opportunities for success, right now.

A step-by-step guide to enjoying the roller-coaster ride of growth — while getting the most out of life as an entrepreneur. A growth-focused approach: The book is divided into three sections, which cover planning for fast growth, building a company for fast growth, and leading for fast growth. Each topic the author covers — from creating a vision for the company’s future to learning how to generate free PR for a developing company — is squarely focused on the end goal: doubling the size of the entrepreneur’s company in three years or less. A down-to-earth action plan: Herold’s experienced-based advice never gets bogged down in generalities or theory. Instead, he offers a wealth of practical tips, including: How to design meetings for maximum efficiency; How to hire top-quality talent; How to grow in particularly tough markets; How to put together a board of advisors — even for a smaller company; How even the busy entrepreneur can achieve a work/life balance.