Have you ever observed an athlete just before a competition? Perhaps you should look at the high jumpers during the Olympics next time, you’ll see many of them standing very still before they start running towards the bar, and then they’ll close their eyes and you’ll see their head bobbing up and down as they imagine running up to the bar- but they haven’t even moved!
They then open their eyes with their eyes fixed on the bar, and begin to recreate in real time whatever they just visualized, even downhill skiers do this too by using their gloved hands by responding to physically imagined objects on the snowy hills.
Whatever the sport, these athletes are using visualization to achieve their desired results, and because they imagined these obstacles that they may face on the track or field; they prepare themselves mentally and physically for the challenge.
I’ve had enormous success with the process after learning about it from an Olympic coach and sports psychologist who worked with several high performance athletes to help them better visualize their task beforehand. He then showed us a variety of examples where athletes were using this process of visualization that would deeply ingrain the success and actual performance of the event into their mind, and when completed; they’ll simply recreate the vision they had burrowed in their memory.
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