This Baja Peninsula photo is of Yanik Silver and members of Maverick Business Adventures – an organization I’m close with that takes driven entrepreneurs on trips so they can play really, really hard.
Recently, a would-be entrepreneur told me he was working constantly and struggled to read books for fun. I threw down the gauntlet and told him he’d never be a successful entrepreneur until he figured out how to get a life. I told him to read the book Endurance the true-life account of Ernest Shackleton’s fateful voyage to the Antarctic. And I told him not to contact me until he’d finished it. The great thing is, I know he’ll read it this week, and I know he’ll be successful in finding balance in his life.
I’m not an expert in work/life balance, but I’ve crashed twice, and hard. Harder than I’d wish anyone else to so I try to help as best I can.
We have all heard the saying ‘work hard play hard’, but rarely do most entrepreneurs live it. Nowadays, people do a lot of hard work, but when it comes time to fulfill the other end of the obligation, we give up, bringing our laptops, cell phones, and other ‘work’ items into our ‘play time.’ And from what I recall as a kid, playing hard didn’t include toting along our homework or smart phone. We just played–played until we dropped from laughing so hard. Played until we dropped from exhaustion and slept like babies. It’s time to return to that kind of play, not just for your individual sanity, but for the sake of those you care for.
“Mens sana in corpore sano” is Latin for “a healthy mind in a healthy body”
For more information on this topic, check out: The Emotional Roller Coaster of Entrepreneurs.