In 2010 & 2011, I sold 5 spots for great B2B companies to advertise on my laptop. We had a waiting list within days.
Now, for 2012, there are five spaces available. The 6th space as always is donated to Kiva.org, the charity that helps entrepreneurs from around the world.
Only 5 spots left.
If you want your company name & logo in front of thousands of entrepreneurs and business people throughout North America and occasionally globally this year. Try it.
I’ll be speaking at more EO & YPO chapters than ever before. I’ll be speaking at dozens of conferences, flying business class, and as usual spending time in airport business lounges.
My MacBook Pro is with me and pretty much always out and being used. I take it out in all my meetings regardless of who I’m working with.
I will also post about the advertising companies on my Blog and regularly all year on Twitter, FaceBook & LinkedIn.
Why sponsor my Laptop for all of 2012? This will get your logo seen by tens of thousands of influential business people this year.
It’s pretty widely known that my nickname is ‘Connector’ so you know I’ll be telling everyone that your company is sponsoring my laptop too.
Ya – and it’s capped at 5 placements…
First come first serve (but I have to like the brands)… i.e. the only chair company I could rave about is Herman Miller with their Aeron, and my favorite headsets are from Headsets.com etc. I have to be able to say no if the brand doesn’t fit.
I’m auctioning off five sticker spaces on my MacBook Pro cover for $2,500 a piece. That comes out to about $200 a month, or $50 a week.
They will stay on my laptop all year, and you’ll “own” that piece of real estate on my laptop case. If anyone asks about your sticker, I’ll send him or her to whatever website/email address you want.
Want in? Email me – Cameron@BackPocketCOO.com
p.s. You also get to write a guest blog post for my blog that will highlight your company to thousands of entrepreneurs…