On Saturday I got part way to my dream of speaking at TED. I was able to speak at TEDx Edmonton about something I’m super passionate about.
As a kid in school I was always told I wouldn’t do well because I didn’t fit the system. In high school & university I figured the system out and beat it – graduating while being able to run little companies on the side.
The problem was the school system never say nor nurtured my entrepreneurial traits. They also never showed starting & owning a company as equal to careers like law, medicine, dentistry etc. Amazingly they actually felt working for government was a better career move that starting my own business.
Thankfully my father & grandfather nurtured – or perhaps forced is a better word – me into running my own business. I grew up feeling sick thinking about having a ‘job’. So an entrepreneur I’ve been. And having been able to run a successful business, I started coaching CEO’s on how to run their own.
My TEDx talk which I’ll post soon was about “Raising Kids to Be Entrepreneurs Instead of Lawyers Will Change the World”. And my TED Wish if I’m giving the chance to speak at TED (nominations are welcome) is to see Entrepreneurs be viewed as equal to professions that schools push kids into currently: Law, Engineering, Medicine, Dentistry, Teaching, Finance, etc.
Were you raised as an entrepreneur? What’s your story? I’d love to read your comments…