Vision Statements & Mission Statements are useless.
They don’t work. They have never worked.
We all know how they are made. You get a bunch of smart people in the room. You put a bunch of your favorite words up on whiteboards. You vote on the words. You eliminate all the words that got no votes. And you try to mash up the leftover words into some sentence adding in some great adjectives and adverbs to highlight them.
And that’s your Vision Statement.
Once you’re done that one sentence mash up does not align anyone. It does not really inspire anyone and it certainly doesn’t show everyone where you’re going.
There is a better way. It is called a Vivid Vision.
If you watch this video and/or read Chapter 1 of Double Double you’ll understand how to write one for your business. Vision Statements don’t work, Vivid Visions do.