Why would you try being an entrepreneur or CEO of a growing company without having a coach to help you navigate.
Every top athlete on the planet has one. Their coaches pushes them to higher and higher heights.
All the top CEOs work with a coach. Their coaches help them see what’s really happening. They help drive them, they help guide them to work on the highest impact areas and not keep getting distracted by the busyness of the day-to-day.
Having a coach guide you with a couple of calls or meetings every month can easily be one of the highest impact things you can do to grow your business this year.
Getting an outside perspective from a coach, will allow you to learn from their expertise and experiences as you discuss the key areas you are working on each week.
Some weeks you may learn nothing new. And on other calls, one single insight can save or make you hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Often your coach will be someone you could never afford to have working for you day-to-day, but their coaching programs can be very affordable. A friend of mine said “”If the Coach can’t add value beyond the fee, then you’ve got the wrong Coach. If the Coach delivers, it’s better than free! Easy call here.”
Why not try one for 6-12 months. Why not invest in growing yourself & your business instead of trying to figure it out all by yourself.
This is an open invitation to “Crazy-Busy” CEOs, entrepreneurs and business owners who know they could be working less and making more if only they had the right guidance from someone who’s already been there and done it!
Ya, I coach entrepreneurs & CEOs, and if you’re reading this, perhaps you’d like me as your coach this year too. If you have the right stuff – I’d love to help you make your dreams happen too. Drop me a note.