If you doubt the power of Twitter, here is one example of how it has helped me this year.
I wanted people to know about & share my TEDx Video with all their friends. Here is the link.
So I decided to send that link to everyone I’m connected to on Twitter. I also sent the link to some of the Top business people on Twitter like @tferriss I also tried sending it to Oprah – she hasn’t sent it out yet – she will 😉
Two weeks ago I noticed a tweet from Ashton Kutcher asking for recommendations of Videos to add to his A+ Top 10 Videos of the Week to Watch. I sent him my TEDx talk. And yes. He added it to his list.
You’re right. Twitter is a waste of time. For MOST people and companies. It’s a waste of time because they haven’t figured out how to use it.
However, when you spend two years building relationships with & helping people on Twitter. Others on Twitter begin to help you.
Thanks Ashton @aplusk on Twitter. 23,000 people have now watched this video in its first 2 weeks live. I want people to see Entrepreneurs differently. And help kids aspire to be entrepreneurs. Your video mention helped.