Every CEO has a vision of growing their company or running it better. But for most, the vision is as far as it gets. As the company starts to grow, so do the CEO’s problems. They can’t seem to hire the right people or grow their team. They don’t have time to execute on their growing list of urgent, high-impact projects. They can’t even think of positioning the company to sell.
Many CEOs get stuck in the day-to-day instead of building the overall business. They have no time for strategic thinking. They spend too much energy working on too many areas where they kind of suck, which leaves them feeling drained. And that just makes the problems worse. Other CEOs may be great at the details but would rather have someone else actually dealing with the details on their behalf, so they can focus on more strategic areas, or on areas that energize them.
Most CEOs I’ve met know exactly what I’m talking about.